In project management, there is a framework called the “iron triangle” that helps you balance the costs, time, and quality of your project’s outcome. While this term is most frequently used to showcase how each of these variables impact the others, it can also be helpful to illustrate why it’s helpful to have someone else work with your IT. You... Read More
How Comment Sections Can Be Cleaned Up with AI
There are theoretically countless ways that artificial intelligence can have practical applications. One that you may not have initially considered: as a content filter for Internet comments. With trolling, spamming, and other misuse of these platforms getting far out of hand, let’s consider how some platforms are using AI to fight back.
Posted in Blog, Technology
Tagged Innovation, Internet, Miscellaneous
Reconsidering a Classic Christmas Story
Around this time each year, there’s a tradition of people telling stories that have been passed down for years. We wanted to participate this year, so we’ve decided to reimagine a true holiday classic: Die Hard. Let’s consider how the action may have played out differently if the movie’s events were to take place today…
Posted in Blog, Miscellaneous
Tagged Holiday, Ransomware, Security
How the Pandemic Has Impacted Gig Workers
While historically, the idea of a 9-to-5 job in a company has been the established way to make a living, there is now a large section of the workforce who now generates income through shorter contracts—gigs. The stay-at-home orders passed in March and the millions suddenly seeking work during their displacement (and in many cases,
Posted in Blog, Business
Tagged COVID-19, Employee, Gig Economy
Document Your Business’ IT
I bet you can’t name the amount of network switches at your office. How many licenses of Office do you have? Do you know if your router warranty has lapsed?
Posted in Blog, IT Blog
Tagged Data, Hardware, Software
Working Hard to Secure Your Endpoints
In March, when the stay-at-home orders first came down, and businesses started asking their employees to work from home, it was obvious that many of them were not prepared for this contingency. As the pandemic has gone on, however, businesses have had to adapt. Today, we thought we would look at some of the solutions
Posted in Blog, Security
Tagged Hackers, Remote Work, Security
Tip of the Week: Use the Same Text Across Multiple Word Documents
Amongst its many other time-saving simplification capabilities, Microsoft Word allows users to replicate text (including the formatting) across multiple documents. This capability also allows you to edit all copies of this text—wherever it appears—all at once. Let’s review the process.
Posted in Blog, Tip of the Week
Tagged Efficiency, Microsoft Office, Quick Tips
Holiday Shopping is Looking Different This Year
Unfortunately, this season’s holiday is going to be much like the rest of 2020: risky. With many people taking the necessary precautions to not contract or spread the coronavirus, a lot of people are doing most of their shopping online. By distancing from others and using the Internet to do the lion’s share of your
Posted in Blog, Security
Tagged Holiday, Security, Shopping
Google Patches Zero-Day Exploits and You Need to Update Chrome
The Department of Homeland Security has issued an alert over several zero-day exploits found in the world’s most popular Internet browser, Google Chrome. Google has since patched this software and we would like to remind you that you need to do so on all of your devices that feature the Chrome browser.
Posted in Alerts, Blog
Tagged Google, Managed Services, Security
Before You Buy: Getting the Most Out of Your Wireless Network
Nearly everyone uses Wi-Fi. Wireless gives people the increased flexibility to use their mobile devices in more places. If your business’ Wi-Fi isn’t set up properly, you’ll find that your coverage will be lacking. Today, we thought we’d give you a few tips on how to set up your Wi-Fi connection so that it works
Posted in Blog, IT Blog
Tagged Hardware, Network, WiFi
Mobile Smishing is Being Employed More Often
Cyberattacks continue to be a major problem as scammers send out billions of phishing messages a day. While it doesn’t really sound that nefarious it can be a major problem for a lot of people. One version of phishing, the absurdly labeled smishing, is gaining traction and presents another avenue of attack for hackers.
Posted in Blog, Security
Tagged Mobile Devices, Phishing, Security
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Forget the Iron Triangle: Managed IT is a Win-Win Solution for Your SMB
In project management, there is a framework called the “iron triangle” that helps you balance the costs, time, and quality of your project’s outcome. While this term is most frequently used to showcase how each of these variables impact the others, it can also be helpful to illustrate why it’s helpful to have someone else work with your IT. You... Read More
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Compudata strives to provide the best comprehensive IT, Computer, and Networking services to small businesses. We can handle all of your organization's technology challenges, starting with planning, implementing, and supporting the IT solutions that are critical to your growth and success.
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