Business Continuity
Redundant Data Backup

Business continuity is critical for businesses of all sizes, and data backup is a major part of your business continuity plan.
We look at data backup as a part of a greater whole and help organizations establish the means and processes to ensure they will survive any disaster, from data loss to catastrophic infrastructure damage.
You Want the Best Backup Solution
With a massive consumer market for data backup solutions, there are a lot of different options for ensuring that your data is redundantly stored. That said, to comply with a surefire business continuity strategy, it’s more than just storing a spare copy of your data.
Redundant, Off-Site Backups
Your data will be stored redundantly both onsite and offsite in the cloud to protect it from the very worst disasters. This way, a disaster that strikes your business has no chance of destroying your data. The security of your data is critical, so we encrypt your information.
It’s critical that the off-site storage of your data is extremely secure. We encrypt your data before it is transferred and ensure only you have access to it.
Fast Restore Times
Many older business backup solutions relied on tape, which was extremely slow, labor-intensive restore times. This means if even a portion of your data needs to be restored, it can take several hours or even days to retrieve it. Our solution functions much like any other server on your network, and restoring data is fast - about as fast as it takes for files to be copied.
Backups Taken Throughout The Day
Never lose an entire day’s work. We take backups throughout the day, typically as often as every 15 minutes, to ensure that a problem that happens in the afternoon doesn’t cause the work done in the morning to be lost. This also means we can restore from multiple restore points and retrieve individual versions of files and folders.
Creating a Business Continuity Plan
You should view your continuity plan as a sort of contingency plan - a strategy to allow your business operations to continue, faster, after a disaster has disrupted operations. This should cover everything needed to continue doing business as close to normal as possible, from how to access a data backup to how employees should evacuate and where to reconvene if necessary. We can also help you see to it that your continuity plan addresses everything it has to, making a challenging situation as manageable as possible.
To get started preparing your business for a day that hopefully won’t (but very well may) come, reach out to the professionals at Compudata by calling 1-855-405-8889, or by filling out the form on this page.